New Sunday Feature: Our Social Media Roundup

Recently, we launched a new initiative on Twitter, using the popular hash-tag feature to start keeping an eye on tweets related to Café links (which are broadcast on @episcopalcafe) and to allow Café readers to talk amongst themselves about these links and related topics.

If you’re familiar with Twitter culture, you’ve seen hash-tags circulating on all manner of tweeted content, such as the #ecgc tag that was associated with General Convention. The hash-tag for the Episcopal Café is #ecafe, and by following that link, you’ll see that right now, it’s mostly our links and retweets. But it’s a community tag, which means you, our readers, can use the tag to talk about the links or to share your own links. If you’re Twub-savvy–as many from the General Convention tweetstream are, we also have a Twub you can join.

On Sundays, I’ll be posting a recap of activity from the #ecafe tag on Twitter. Please note that we will not use tweets on the blog that have a protected status. Please note that we’ll be reviewing for this content on Fridays and Saturdays.

In addition, we’ll be picking up comments from our Facebook page, where our links are crossposted as notes. Readers can also post to the Cafe wall on Facebook, so that’s another way to share links and conversation.

If you are on Twitter and would like to post your @twittername here, please do so! You can follow me at @vagabondfaith.

One last housekeeping detail: we had thought to name this the Sunday Café Social Hour, as a nice complement to our Saturday Collection Plate and because that is the Sunday social time for most of us, but that metaphor may just be a little too glib. We’re taking suggestions for names our new Sunday feature–comment here, or via Twitter, or via Facebook with your ideas.

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