New website for the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina

The Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina has a new website. They offer “Welcome” on their homepage:

The Episcopal Church in the Diocese of South Carolina is continuing. Our Diocese is reorganizing with renewed dedication to carry forward the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, just as prior generations have done since 1789. We have much to do and many challenges to meet, but we are confident that by moving forward together in unity and faith, with God’s help, we will flourish.

Your participation in this new ministry is encouraged. The Episcopal Church in South Carolina always welcomes you!

The powerful words of a beloved bishop of our Diocese speak poignantly to us now in this time of our rebuilding:

“We should strive for unity, not uniformity. Uniformity is mechanical, barren, unfruitful, and unprofitable. Unity is organic, living, and capable of endless growth. If we are to be truly catholic, as Christ himself is catholic, then we must have a church broad enough to embrace within its communion every living human soul.”

– The Right Reverend William Alexander Guerry (1861-1928)

The Presiding Bishop’s Pastoral Letter, as well as letters of support from the Bishop of East Carolina (the Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel, III), and The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth also appear on the front page, along with an Advent message.

In addition to the components that most Diocesan sites have, South Carolina has a “FAQ and Resources” section to help people understand what has happened there, and the choices parishes and individual Episcopalians have concerning the Episcopal Church.

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