There’s both good information and great color in Bishop Geralyn Wolf’s report to her diocese.
Info: “I would wholeheartedly support the Presiding Bishop’s selection of a Primatial Vicar (or whatever title is appropriate), in consultation with those dioceses who have requested same. In addition, I uphold the concept of accountability. For the integrity of our church, I believe that this should occur internally, with the Primatial Vicar serving at the pleasure of the Presiding Bishop. While the vote of the House was not unanimous, responses crossed ‘party’ lines.” (emphasis mine: That’s at least three “Windsor” bishops opposed to or uninterested in the Primates’ oversight scheme.)
More info: “Bishops who support the Windsor Report gathered for a brief session, and plan to meet in August. (emphasis mine. I’d heard a report of an April meeting.) Again, these bishops hold different opinions on the work before us, but all believe that the Windsor Report remains the best document available to move forward as a Communion.”
Color: “The final dinner was marked with much laughter and thanksgiving, regardless of which side you buttered your bread. The women bishops gave me another veiled miter, and Bishop Barbara Harris and I walked down the aisle of the dining room arm and arm, with the other women following. Bishop Harris kept waving her hand announcing, ‘mother-of-the-bride, mother-of-the-bride.’ ” (Note: Bishop Wolf is getting married this summer.)
It sounds as though the bishops actually had fun, which I believe is unprecedented.