Nigerian anti-gay legislation in trouble?

The odious anti-gay legislation backed by Anglican Archbishop Peter Akinola of Nigeria appears to be in trouble. That is the upshot of a somewhat testy exchange between Outrage, a gay rights group in the UK, and Human Rights Watch. Read about it here.

The key paragraph in the HRW statement:

“While some action [on the bill] is still technically possible, the legislature is now winding down and readying for elections. They’re not likely to take up the bill unless something—such as an international campaign—- pushes them to. Moreover, after the elections there will no longer be a Christian President. This doesnn’t mean Nigeria’s leaders will be less homophobic, but it does mean that the influence of [Anglican] Archbishop Peter Akinola and the Christian Association of Nigeria, who have been the main forces pushing this bill, will be more or less moot.”

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