There are some further developments coming to light about the story of a same-sex liturgy celebrated in London that we’ve been following since this summer. Today the vicar in question insists that he never offered an apology for his actions in leading the liturgy.
According to an article by Martin Beckford in the Telegraph:
“In a letter published in this week’s Church Times he disputes the claim of the Rt Rev Pete Broadbent, Assistant Bishop of London, that there was ‘a series of frank discussions’ about the service, and insists that he never issued a ‘statement of apology’.
His latest public comments are likely to further enrage those who believe he should have been dealt with much more strictly. They will also confirm suspicions that he is rather enjoying the storm he has brewed and is unwilling to let it die down.”
Read the full article here.
Some background material and previous coverage can be found and is linked from here.