No prayer plaque at WWII monument, says interfaith coalition

Kimberly Winston of Religion News Service reports on a U.S. House of Representatives bill proposing a prayer plaque at the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., and the interfaith coalition against the idea. From the article:

The coalition — a mix of religious and secular organizations that includes the Center for Inquiry, a humanist organization; three Jewish groups; the Hindu American Foundation; and the United Methodist Church – said the prayer does not reflect the religious diversity of the United States.

“Our religious diversity is one of our nation’s great strengths,” they stated in a letter to the subcommittee. “This bill, however, shows a lack of respect for this great diversity. It endorses the false notion that all veterans will be honored by a war memorial that includes a prayer that proponents characterize as reflecting our country’s ‘Judeo-Christian heritage and values.’”

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