Nominations to General Convention

The Joint Standing Committee on Nominations has released its report on the slate of candidates for positions to be elected at this July’s General Convention, along with some interesting analysis.

The JSCN solicits, reviews, and confirms applications for nominations to

(a) Trustees of The Church Pension Fund, serving as the Joint Committee referred to in Canon I.8.2.
(b) Members of the Executive Council under Canon I.4.1(d).
(c) The Secretary of the House of Deputies and the Treasurer of the General Convention.
(d) Trustees of the General Theological Seminary.
(e) General Board of Examining Chaplains. (f) Disciplinary Board for Bishops.

It reports:

The Committee was impressed by the many applications received from highly qualified and committed individuals. The criteria for decisions were based on qualifications for the particular position, diversity, and geographic distribution. In addition, each applicant was assessed for compliance to the Church’s mandate for anti-racism training. We were pleased with the high level and recent nature of participation in this training.

The slate of nominees reflects the needs of The Episcopal Church as the Committee perceives them to be at this time; the Committee is pleased to place in nomination for balloting at the 79th General Convention the names following this Report.

Statistics were gathered to offer a picture of the slates. The report notes that a few late nominations were not included, but that the Standing Committee believes the statistics still to give a reasonable picture of the scope of its work.

The statistics show that average age of nominee slates by board ranged from 52 to 66. The average age of all nominees was 59. Just under three-quarters of nominees were identified as Caucasian (72.5%). The JSCN was pleased with “the high level and recent nature of participation in [Church anti-racism] training,” reporting that 68 of 80 nominees, or 85%, had received such training. The reporting allowed for a non-binary response to the question of gender, an option that reflected 2.5% or nominees. The breakdown by Province gives some indication of the geographical spread of nominations.


The full report and list of nominees is available via the General Convention website.

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