According to Episcopal Life Online, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright will serve as revivalist for the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 28 and 29. This is the third consecutive year that Wright has led this revival but the first visit since his prominence in the presidential campaign rhetoric.
Wright is former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), a mega church in Chicago, Illinois with approximately 10,000 members.
St. Thomas is the oldest African American Episcopal Church in the United States and the first black church in Philadelphia. It was founded by the Rev. Absalom Jones, the first person of African ancestry to be ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church.
Read more here.
PBS ran an interview with Wright on Bill Moyers Journal.
Wright also spoke at the National Press Club breakfast.
NYTimes reports on Obama campaign and Wright here.
And here is the transcript of today’s press conference by Obama on Wright