On a listening process

The Rev. Thomas Woodward, who writes for The Episcopal Majority blog, was invited to speak with members of the Fort Worth Via Media about “remaining Episcopal.” Before he did so, he asked Bishop Iker if they could meet and discuss whether Iker had concerns over his visit. He has written about the experience, noting his appreciation for the meeting and summarizing several insights about what it’s like to be in dialog with someone from the other side of the aisle, so to speak:

First, what a joy it is when two people, so opposed on so many critical issues and concerns, can spend time relating to the best in the other with the best of ourselves. That is not the whole truth, but it is part of the truth. Second, I do not discount the hurt and sometimes the humiliation my friends and others in Fort Worth have suffered when +Jack has stepped over the line, nor the havoc his beliefs and attitudes about women’s ordination and our “Anglican agonies” have wreaked. Third, at this point the two of us are in the same church and attempting to follow the same Lord. Fourth, there is certainly pain when we encounter the worst in each other, but the pain is worse when we encounter their best, for it is then that the deep ache sets in as we wait for a time when our several wounds are healed and our fears are stopped in such a way that our best is our consistent selves. We are obviously not there yet.

The reflection is here.

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