On a prayeful note

Before we begin a second week of discusing the show, I want to suggest that you visit the Diocese of Washington’s spirituality site. On Mondays through Saturdays, Deacon Vicki Black, author of Welcome to the Church Year and Welcome to the Book of Common Prayer, selects a brief reading designed to give you something to think about. You can also read columns by the noted spiritual author the Rev. Martin Smith, and view a multi-media meditation on the Magnificat. Another multi-media meditation, this one on a beautiful poem, “Candlemas” by Denise Levertov, will be up soon. It is from her collection The Stream and the Sapphire, my favorite book of poetry.

The site also features a link to another site where you can pray the daily office. We designed this section of the site for folks who are chained to their computers, either through their own free will or that of their employer.

You’ve just missed our online Advent calendar, but you can visit it in the archives, and look for it again on December 1.

If you are interested in attending one of our churches, have a look at the diocese’s welcome page. Or the visitors’ center of the Episcopal Church.

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