One Year: God shows up

It’s been one year since I began this weekly writing.

That’s a lot of words.

A lot of prayers.

A lot of reflections.

A lot of time spent wondering if my words even matter.

A lot of emotions.

A lot of feelings poured onto the page.


I give thanks for the opportunity to reflect on God, life, prayer, faith, belief, Jesus, and this Christian life each week. I give thanks for you who read my words, and offer your prayers and blessings, too.


In the spirit of reflection, I share with you today some of the lessons I’ve learned.




I’m so immersed in my own life and challenges and day-to-day activities that I forget to listen to God’s voice. But having to write a weekly reflection forces me to stop and listen. To pause. To breathe deeply. To wait for the still, small voice of the Spirit. Some weeks have been crazier than others. Some days the kids won’t nap. Some days the baby just wants to be fed nonstop. But once a week I must write. And in the writing during those stolen minutes of quiet and rest, I hear God’s voice.


God Shows Up


Yes, it seems that this would be a given, but as I wrote above, I’m so immersed in my own life, that I forget to notice God’s presence all too often. But God is present in my life. God is present in my spouse and children. God is present in the community. God keeps showing up. More importantly, God has never left. And in writing and reflecting and praying weekly I’ve taught myself once again to be open to God at work – to see God’s love in nature, God’s heartbeat in the love of family and friends, God’s grace in relationships, God’s forgiveness in bread and wine, God’s hope in the cross.


We Show Up for One Another


The internet is so loud. So full of stuff. So angry. So confusing. So controversial. But there is goodness to be found. There is hope in this piece of the world that connects us. And I’m learning week after week that you, readers, keep showing up at the Episcopal Café. You’re eager for good news. You’re eager for hope. You’re eager to be a part of something bigger and grander than yourselves. And together when we come together in a spirit of love and cooperation, we can do far greater things for God’s kingdom.


It’s no coincidence that these devotions are a part of Speaking to the Soul. This last year my soul has been stretched and broken and bursting with joy. My soul yearns to be known. To be found. To be heard and listened to.


Who’s to say that in the quick afternoons between naps and feedings that God doesn’t use that time to speak to me. Who’s to say that I’m not the one who needs to hear my words more than anyone?


For my own soul.

For my own hope.


I hope for you, that if anything, this past year, you’ve felt a stirring in your soul to seek the good. To know peace. To listen for God’s voice. To sit and wait. To be stil. That when you read my words you are inspired to do the holy and life-giving work of listening to your soul.


For the Spirit is speaking.

Calling to us all.



Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. Her website is


Image: created in Wordle from all the words in this item

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