Oprah taps All Saints, Pasadena rector for series

Episcopal Life Online reports that The Rev. Ed Bacon, rector of All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena, will co-host Oprah’s Soul Series. His first appearance will be Monday, March 16.

Bacon called his new role “an exciting method” to proclaim the good news in a national forum, in a March 6 letter sent to parishioners of the 3,000 member congregation, known for its progressive politics and social justice activism.

“For more than 40 years All Saints has sought ways to proclaim God’s inclusive love, compassion and justice in the popular culture at the nation level. Each year it becomes more apparent that we must use every possible means to get our message out beyond the walls of our church,” according to the letter, signed by Bacon along with the church’s senior warden and junior warden-elect.

The inaugural show, to be broadcast March 16, will focus on “The Spirituality of the Current Economic Crisis.”

Co-hosting with Bacon will be Elizabeth Lesser, co-founder of the Omega Institute, America’s largest adult education center focusing on health, wellness, spirituality an creativity. A former midwife and mother of three grown sons, she is also the author of “Broken Open” and “A Seeker’s Guide.”

More on Bacon’s participation and the show here.

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