Orombi endorses revival featuring “American anti-gay extremist”

It wasn’t meant to be Henry Luke Orombi day on The Lead, but it’s turned out that way.

Box Turtle Bulletin reports,

another American anti-gay extremist, Lou Engle of The Call, [snip] has announced plans to hold a rally in Kampala on May 2 [The Call Uganda] ….

Engle’s emotionally-charged extremism and violence-laden rhetoric has become quite familiar here in the U.S. Engle believes that gays are possessed by demons, and [he] was part of a major rally for Prop 8 in San Diego where he called for Christian martyrs. Casey Sanchez, of the Southern Poverty Law Center describes one talk that Engle gave this way:

“I believe we’re headed to an Elijah/Jezebel showdown on the Earth, not just in America but all over the globe, and the main warriors will be the prophets of Baal versus the prophets of God, and there will be no middle ground,” said Engle. He was referring to the Baal of the Old Testament, a pagan idol whose followers were slaughtered under orders from the prophet Elijah.

“There’s an Elijah generation that’s going to be the forerunners for the coming of Jesus, a generation marked not by their niceness but by the intensity of their passion,” Engle continued. “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Such force demands an equal response, and Jesus is going to make war on everything that hinders love, with his eyes blazing fire.”

The Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Uganda has given his endorsement to TheCall Uganda.

About TheCall Uganda, in its own words:

We are sounding an urgent “Call to National Repentance”!!! Joel 2:15-17

Given the various challenges facing our country, at church, family, and government levels, we the spiritual leaders of Uganda, collectively call upon all God fearing people to join in a season of: “21 days of fasting and prayer, from 11th April to 1st May 2010.”

It is intended to awaken and revive the young and the old, men and women, church and family, government and the public and to fight vices eating away at our society. We shall all join our hearts across tribal, political, denominational, and generational boundaries, to cry to God to help us with the challenges in our country such as:

* The heightened political tensions and wrangles in the country, especially as we go towards the 2011 general elections

* The increasing level of social evils in our society, some which are threatening our values and lifestyles e.g.

o Witchcraft and human sacrifice

o Homosexuality and increased immorality

o Disasters and the resultant suffering of the people

o The decay of morals and infrastructure of our city Kampala

* The sins and shortcomings that have been happening in the body of Christ, shaming the name of the Lord and discouraging God’s people (REV. 3: 1 – 3)

* The evil practices being committed with impunity by those in public offices especially the widespread corruption and misappropriation of funds

* The destiny of our youth and children who are confused by our deteriorating value system


You can’t this stuff up.

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