Our own horn

Every year Episcopal Communicators, a group of, well, Episcopal communicators gathers for an annual meeting which includes an awards dinner. Our diocese won 13 awards of various sorts this year, and while some of them were for date-specific stuff whose shelf life has ended, or for things best appreciated by an audience of other communicators, we did pick up a few honors for work that some of you may find interesting. Some of this material will be familiar to regular visitors to the site if you will permit me:

Have a look at our diocesan movie by Hugh Drescher of Drescher Films, which won an award of excellence (the top award) in its category.

Bishop Chane won an award of merit (runner-up award) for this commentary on the Middle East.

The Rev. Albert Scariato of St. John’s in Georgetown who an award of excellence for commentary. You can find it on page 15 of this pdf. We will try to get a more easily accessible version up later.

The Rev. Martin Smith won an honorable mention and an award of merit in the “devotional and inspirational” category. The latter piece is on page15 of this pdf. We will try to get a more easily accessible version up later.

And photographer Walter Calahan won an award of excellence for a photo essay on walking the Labyrinth at the National Cathedral. You can find an online version of that essay here, or in a printed version here, beginning on page 8.

Washington National Cathedral and St. Columba’s parish in northwest D. C. also won multiple awards. You can find the full list here.

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