Palm Sunday in the street

Episcopalians continue to draw attention by taking church services into the streets. Last night, Channel 6 in Philadelphia was one of a number of stations around the country that carried stories on Palm Sunday processions.

John Rawlins reported:

At Saint Thomas African Episcopal Church on Lancaster Avenue, Sunday service began outside.

The palms gave a tangible connection to the gospel accounts of how the people of Jerusalem spread branches and cheered for Jesus as he rode into the city on a donkey.

Pedro from a petting zoo near Bethlehem, Pennsylvania was the donkey stand-in for a symbolic procession around the block to the church.

“It was on this day, Jesus made triumphal entry into Jerusalem, his last week on earth,” said Father Martini Shaw.

Media in Fort Smith Arkansas covered a snowy Palm Sunday procession and The Baltimore Sun was on the case, too.

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