PB interviewed on LCMS radio

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is interviewed by Pastor Todd Wilkens on the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod radio program “Issues etc.”

You can listen to her conversation here.

After the interview is over and after Jefferts Schori hangs up, Wilkens does a something interesting: he says something like “Don’t even think for a minute there’s any way she can ontologically incarnate the office of the bishop” because she is a she. But he assures his listeners that he calls her “bishop” only to be polite.

This is polite? To interview her, let her go, and then discredit her by virtue of the office she holds?

The other thing he does is categorically discredit the entirety of the Episcopal Church by holding out their “orthodoxy” by comparison. In a question Wilkens posed about the divisions of the Episcopal Church, the Presiding Bishop could have mentioned all those other Lutheran Churches that separated from the LCMS as examples of this kind of history not being restricted to the Episcopal Church, but then she was, I think, trying to be polite as well.

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