The Presiding Bishop preached yesterday at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, England and challenged her hearers to speak out with a prophetic voice against the injustice in the world:
Presiding bishop preaches at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori challenged those attending Sung Eucharist at historic St. Paul’s Cathedral here July 25 to be “ready, willing and able” to speak out and take action against the world’s injustices and indignities.
“Prophetic work is about more abundant life for the whole world, and it is about a home everywhere, a home for all,” she said during her sermon for the feast of St. James. “Prophetic work is about challenging human systems that ignore or deny the innate dignity of all of God’s creation … We lose our dignity when we tolerate indignity for some … The work of the cross is the most life-giving journey we know. Are you ready, willing and able?”
The motto “ready, willing and able,” she explained, is used by the Doe Fund, a New York-based organization that helps to transform the lives of those affected by homelessness, poverty, poor education, alcoholism and drug addiction.