Pennsylvania Standing Committee meets with Presiding Bishop

Eight members the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Pennsylvania met with the Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, and with her chancellor, David Booth Beers, and the Officer for Pastoral Development, the Right Rev. F. Clayton Matthews to discuss the situation of the Bishop of Pennsylvania.

From the Diocese of Pennsylvania web site:

Standing Committee Discusses Future with Presiding Bishop

December 9, 2010

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Yesterday, eight of us from the Standing Committee drove to New York to meet with our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, and with her chancellor, David Booth Beers, and the Officer for Pastoral Development, the Right Rev. F. Clayton Matthews.

The meeting was arranged at our request. The purpose was to seek the Presiding Bishop’s counsel and support; to seek her wisdom and advice, and to explore the possibilities available to us as we seek to offer support and leadership for this Diocese. In light of our Diocesan Convention’s recent vote, with 73% of delegates calling for Bishop Bennison to resign, we want to do the best we can so that all of us can attend to the important work of proclaiming the love of God in Christ Jesus and carrying forth the mission of the Church. It was a good conversation; we felt heard, understood, supported, and encouraged. While we shall give due consideration to all possibilities, one thing we know for sure: it is vitally important for each of us – the people and clergy of this Diocese – to nurture healthy bonds of relationship and trust, to seek out and support one another in whatever way we can.

As we prepare our hearts and lives and congregations for the certain coming of Christ, let us hold one another in prayer.

If you have hopes, questions, or concerns you would like to share, please be in touch with any member of the Standing Committee, or the president at

Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.

– Collect for the Third Sunday of Advent

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