People Magazine profiles Rowan Williams

No, not a story from The Onion. People Magazine is profiling the officiant for Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding.

Five Things to Know About Will & Kate’s Wedding Officiant

From People Magazine

Read all 5 HERE, at People Magazine online

Sure, the eyes of the world will be trained on a certain prince and his fiancée in Westminster Abbey on April 29.

But they won’t be the only ones to see in the wedding ceremony of the century. Meet the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, who will officiate on the big day.

1. He’s a poet

The spiritual head of the Anglican Church of England, Williams, 60, was born and raised in Swansea, Wales and, like the Welsh hero Dylan Thomas, he enjoys writing poetry. He’s published two books of poems and shares Prince William and Kate Middleton’s love for Wales.

2. He’s got a wife and kids

The Archbishop can also relate to Will and Kate on the marriage front. In 1981, he wed a theologian named Jane. And when he took up his current post, he became the first Archbishop of Canterbury in 130 years to have school-age children when he was enthroned. Rhiannon and Pip were 14 and 6 respectively when he was chosen to lead the 70 million Anglicans in 2002.

3. A man of the cloth – and a Simpsons fan

The Archbishop once expressed an admiration for Homer and the gang. He praised The Simpsons for being, “one of the most subtle pieces of propaganda around the causes of sense, humility and virtue.”

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