Person to person evangelism works best, survey says

Cathy Lee Grossman of USA Today reports on some helpful findings from a survey conducted by the Southern Baptist Convention:

The Southern Baptist Convention, which is launching a new national campaign to bring unbelievers to Jesus, is up against a major obstacle: motivating its own members to evangelize.

But it may be the only effective way to reach people, according to a survey of 15,173 people by LifeWay Research, a Christian research firm.

The survey found only two ways most people said they were somewhat or very willing to “receive information” about Jesus: 63% would hear it in a “personal conversation with a family member,” or with a friend or neighbor from the church (56%).


“It’s a challenge,” says Brandon Pickett, spokesman for the board. He sees as many reasons for shying away from evangelizing “as there are individuals.”

But overall, “many people fear they will be rejected or ignored or won’t have a ready answer for questions or opposition. The board and pastors are going to give people the support in apologetics (defense of the faith), doctrine and theology so they feel more confident,” he says.

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