Peter Wallace: Things I wish I’d known when I was younger

You’ll never be younger than you are right this minute, so this list may be worth your time. The Rev. Peter Wallace presents “52 Things I Wish I could Tell My Younger Self,” at Huffington Post. It’s a pretty wise compilation. My favorite is No. 49, which he notes that he stole from Julian of Norwich, but I like these also, focusing on the world of religion:

The church (or any religious configuration) is composed of human beings, and so it possesses many human failings, which often reflect your own. Surrender to this.

There is nothing more sublime than serving in worship with your brothers and sisters. Unless maybe it’s participating in a service project with your brothers and sisters to help those who are in poverty and need.

You will never waste any moment you spend on getting to know Jesus better. You can do that by reading the gospels, by prayerfully reflecting on who he was, what he did, what he calls you to be and do, and by being in community with others on the same quest.

Not everything in the Bible is worth studying. In fact, some of it can even be harmful to true faith if taken literally. Read the Bible thoughtfully, open-mindedly, prayerfully, with discernment. Focus on the Psalms and the Gospels and you can’t go wrong.

Avoid people with closed minds, who tend to be negative.

Check out the whole list here.

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