Pew survey of predominantly Muslim nations shows the majority have unfavorable opinions of the Islamic State

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On 17 NOV 2015 the Pew Research Center released the results of a spring survey of 11 nations with large Muslim populations. The survey took the pulse of how the folks in these countries felt about the Islamic State. In 10 of the countries, the majority of Muslims held unfavorable views regarding ISIS. In Pakistan, the majority of the population held no opinion regarding ISIS.

The nation in the survey most recently to suffer an attack by ISIS, Lebanon, 99% of the total population held unfavorable opinions. Of the Sunni population 98% had unfavorable feelings, while the Shia and Christians voiced 100% unfavorable opinions. The other countries bordering Syria also had high margins of unfavorable opinions; Israel – 97%, Jordan – 94%, the Palestinian Territories – 84%. In the final six countries included in the survey, Indonesia, Turkey, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Malaysia and Senegal, 60% and greater held unfavorable opinions of ISIS. Nigerian Muslims held the highest percentage of positive opinions of ISIS, coming in at 20% in favor.

Read the full story at the Pew website and find links to further charts and the research methodology.


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