
Does church make you fat? Should government base its obesity fight in the church? Is obesity a sign from God to shape up?

Item 1. Study Suggests Young Adults Can Get Fat at Church

Young adults who regularly attend religious activities are 50 percent more likely to become obese when they reach middle age than their nonreligious peers, a new study shows. Based on their findings, researchers at Northwestern University’s medical school think congregations should be a focus in the fight to prevent obesity.

Item 2. Evangelicals Resist Obama’s Childhood Obesity Push

Evangelicals are the only major religious group where a majority opposes the federal government’s efforts to reduce childhood obesity, a Pew Research Center survey shows. Asked if the government should play a significant role in reducing childhood obesity, 56 percent of white evangelicals said it should not, compared to 42 percent who said it should.

This just in: Poll: Most in U.S., except evangelicals, see no divine sign in disasters

We may never know why bad things happen to good people, but most Americans— except evangelicals — reject the idea that natural disasters are divine punishment, a test of faith or some other sign from God, according to a new poll.

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