Plea for feedback on study of marriage

(The Reverend Canon) Susan Russell asks her General Convention colleagues for feedback:

Dear HoB/D Colleagues,

The A050 Task Force on the Study of Marriage is hard at work responding to the charge we were given by GC2012, outlined here …to create a report for the 78th General Convention in 2015.

To accomplish the “consulting with …” part of that charge, a call went out in the House of Deputies newsletter for input from Deputies to General Convention. The request was to watch a short video updating the church on the process and status of our work and then to answer a few questions. The request went out at the end of January with mid-March (March 14) deadline for responses.

Today is March 11. I found out today that we have nine.

As in 9.

Nine responses from the WHOLE CHURCH.

Please consider taking time to follow the steps below and give us feedback on this important work. I know we can do better than this.

Thank you so much …

Lenten Blessings,

Susan Russell

Here is the original request from the Task Force:

Watch this short video report from the chairs of the marriage task

force working groups:

Now that you have heard how we are addressing Resolution A050, what considerations or questions would you suggest for our 3 working groups (below) and/or the task force in general?

A. Historical, Theological, and Canonical Roots

B. Biblical and Theological Dimensions

C. Conversations and Consultations; Changing Norms

D. Other general considerations or questions

As you prepare for General Convention 2015, what hopes, concerns or expectations will you bring about how we, as a church, might carry forward the work of this task force?

What are you experiencing in your life, or among your friends, family, congregation, diocese, or society in terms of how norms for marriage are being challenged today?

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