Please don’t rock the boat

The “Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion” has put out a statement saying that people should graciously avoid rocking the boat.

The Anglican Communion News Service has released this statement:

The following resolution was passed by the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion meeting in London on 15-18 December, and approved for public distribution.

Resolved that, in the light of:

1. The recent episcopal nomination in the Diocese of Los Angeles of a partnered lesbian candidate

2. The decisions in a number of US and Canadian dioceses to proceed with formal ceremonies of same-sex blessings

3. Continuing cross-jurisdictional activity within the Communion

The Standing Committee strongly reaffirm Resolution 14.09 of ACC 14 supporting the three moratoria proposed by the Windsor Report and the associated request for gracious restraint in respect of actions that endanger the unity of the Anglican Communion by going against the declared view of the Instruments of Communion.

The “Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion” is also known as the “Joint Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates’ Meeting.”

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