Prayer for the Table


Dear Lord, 


Our tables are about to be set

for feasts and get-togethers

holiday celebrations and family reunions 

memory making and memory sharing

stories told and laughter shared.


Around the table many will gather

friends and family

young and old

believers and doubters

neighbors across the street

and strangers we’re yet to meet.


Many will gather 

in churches and community centers

hospitals and waiting rooms

some will be deployed in different countries

while their loved ones wait and worry

and some will grieve a broken relationship

while some will miss a family member

now residing only in their heart.


Around our tables 

help us to remember

those who are hungry 

in body and in spirit

those thirsting for a friend

to listen and hear their burdens

for those who desire relief 

from fear and worry

keep our eyes open 

to places in need

and people hungry 

for peace and justice.


In our homes

help us to open our doors

extend our tables

open our hearts

embrace with open arms

all who come

and teach us

to be relentless in our welcome. 


May we be fed not only with food

but laughter and joy

shared between generations

of families and friends

strangers becoming neighbors

and may we feast 

on kindness and compassion

seeing with eyes of peace. 


Our tables are about to be set

Lord, hear our prayers

the desires of our hearts

the fears and worries we hold close

the joy of being loved by you

who feeds us

and calls us

and welcomes us to the table of your grace

a table of forgiveness

and unending love

forever and ever 



Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website or follow her work on Facebook.  


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