UPDATE: from the Office of Public Affairs
December 7, 2015
That surgery, originally scheduled for today, is now scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday). The postponement is to allow some aspirin he took on Sunday time to clear his system.
From the Office of Public Affairs
Prayers for healing are asked for Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry.
The Presiding Bishop’s Office has announced that Presiding Bishop Curry was taken to a hospital this afternoon after a visitation to Bruton Parish Church in Colonial Williamsburg, VA. The Presiding Bishop subsequently was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma, and was transferred to a medical center in Richmond, VA for treatment. A full recovery is expected.
Presiding Bishop Curry is currently resting and has created the following video for members of The Episcopal Church here
Further information will be released by the Presiding Bishop’s office as it becomes available.
O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Michael the help of your power, that his sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer (page 458)
From House of Deputies President Gay Jennings
Earlier today, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry was taken to the hospital after preaching at Bruton Parish Church in Colonial Williamsburg and exhibiting some word-finding difficulty. There he was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma—a small collection of blood between his brain and his skull—and transferred to a hospital in Richmond for treatment. Tomorrow morning he will have surgery to relieve the condition.
I spoke with Bishop Curry before he was transferred to the hospital in Richmond, and he assured me that he is in good spirits and confident in the care he is receiving. The Rev. Canon Michael Hunn, canon to the Presiding Bishop for ministry within the Episcopal Church, was with Bishop Curry all day, and reports that he is expected to make a full recovery in a week or so. Mrs. Curry will join her husband in Richmond in the morning.
You won’t be surprised that Bishop Curry has already enlisted Canon Hunn and his nurse to join him in making a video from his hospital bed. You can see it online. I hope that seeing him in such good form will help relieve your mind as it has mine.
Please pray for our beloved Presiding Bishop, for his caregivers and surgical team, and for his family. Tomorrow will bring more news, and I will share it with you as soon as I can.
The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings
President, House of Deputies