Prayers take shape for Ft. Hood

As family and other mourners from the Ft. Hood killings have participated in funeral services scattered over the face of the country, the Texas bishop’s blog continues giving voice to the prayers offered in response to the tragedy in Killeen.

Several days ago Bishop C. Andrew Doyle offered through Facebook and Twitter to send along comments posted to the wall of his Facebook page to the clergy and people of the Episcopal community in and around Ft. Hood. The outpouring was swift, and the collected prayers continue to be visible both on Facebook and the blog.

Prayers for peace, prayers for healing, prayers for those who hurt and mourn. May blessings upon blessings enfold all.


Let us find it in our hearts to forgive, also.

Words new, yes, but also unfailing words of old appear: We note the ninth-century Kontakion used in the Prayer Book’s service of Commendation (“Give rest, O Christ, to your servants…”).

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