The AP writes that President Bush, on what is likely his last trip to Europe as president, is learning how to see the sights in a way that only the most powerful person on the planet can see it.
His Vatican visit on Friday featured a few rarities – a walk through the lush grounds where Pope Benedict XVI likes to pray privately and a personal guided tour of St. John’s Tower from the pope. “Fantastic,” Bush gushed.
On Saturday while in Paris, Bush went to a high hill overlooking the city to spend time at two lovely, sun-splashed parks commemorating American and French war dead. His route took him up the Champs-Elysees, around the imposing Arc de Triomphe and through the enormous Bois de Boulogne park.
Sunday offered one sight after another.
Waking up in Paris, Bush ventured through the city’s almost-empty early-morning streets to the Parc de St. Cloud, a former French estate on a green, wooded hillside, where he rode his beloved bike for about an hour. He went to church at the American Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, an Episcopal-Anglican church in the gothic style near the Eiffel Tower, calling the experience a joy afterward.
See: AP & The Dallas News: Bush soaks in Europe like only a President can.