President and Mrs. Bush attend Episcopal Cathedral in Paris

The AP writes that President Bush, on what is likely his last trip to Europe as president, is learning how to see the sights in a way that only the most powerful person on the planet can see it.

His Vatican visit on Friday featured a few rarities – a walk through the lush grounds where Pope Benedict XVI likes to pray privately and a personal guided tour of St. John’s Tower from the pope. “Fantastic,” Bush gushed.

On Saturday while in Paris, Bush went to a high hill overlooking the city to spend time at two lovely, sun-splashed parks commemorating American and French war dead. His route took him up the Champs-Elysees, around the imposing Arc de Triomphe and through the enormous Bois de Boulogne park.

Sunday offered one sight after another.

Waking up in Paris, Bush ventured through the city’s almost-empty early-morning streets to the Parc de St. Cloud, a former French estate on a green, wooded hillside, where he rode his beloved bike for about an hour. He went to church at the American Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, an Episcopal-Anglican church in the gothic style near the Eiffel Tower, calling the experience a joy afterward.

See: AP & The Dallas News: Bush soaks in Europe like only a President can.

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