A letter from the Rev. Deacon Nancy R. Crawford, President of the National Episcopal Church Women on “recent developments with UTO”:
ECW and UTO have been sisters in the Spirit and long-time partners in ministry for nearly 125 years. It is with personal feelings of great distress that I have learned of recent events that have taken place and have led to the resignations of the president and three other members of the UTO national board.
None of us take our roles of leadership lightly, and I am certain that the women prayed for guidance and took time to deliberate their decision to resign or to remain on the board. As Presiding Bishop Katharine has recently stated, “the United Thank Offering is a ministry of the whole church” and the goal of the UTO remains: “relieve suffering.”
The ECW national board will meet in early October and together we will determine how best to help in healing for our church. Until then, I ask you to continue to put your coins of thankfulness into your blue boxes and continue to hold your fall ingatherings in your parishes and at your diocesan conventions.
Finally, I ask your prayers for those who administer to the needs of our church, and most especially for all the women of our church who strive daily to do the work God calls us to do in mission and ministry in the world, that we may shine forth the joy and wonder we share in God’s holy name.
The Rev. Dcn. Nancy R. Crawford
President, National ECW Board