Presiding Bishop: Lent is an invitation to turn outward

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori has released her 2015 Lent message, posted online in text and video form on The Episcopal Church website.
From the message:

Lent is an ancient tradition of solidarity and preparation for those who look forward to Baptism at the Easter Vigil. It has always been a time for prayer and study, fasting, self-denial, and alms-giving, sharing what we have with those who do not have. Prayer is an opportunity to reflect on who walks with us in the desert, who brings light into the world. Study is an opportunity to do the same kinds of things looking at the history of our tradition, where have human beings found light and direction in their journey through this world. Fasting and self-denial are an inward-reflection on what it is that keeps us in the dark, or what it is that keeps us directionless, or that keeps us overly self-focused. And it becomes and invitation to turn outward and share what we have with those who have not. To build solidarity among God’s people and the rest of the earth.


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