Presiding bishop laments latest atrocities in Sudan

Read the entire statement at episcope:

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has issued a statement on the attacks by the “Lord’s Resistance Army” in the Sudan.

It is with great sorrow that I have received, in recent days, reports from brother bishops and other Episcopalians in the Sudan of the latest round of humanitarian atrocities committed by the so-called Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Since the beginning of this year, several parishes and villages in the Dioceses of Mundri and Ezo have fallen victim to LRA attacks that have included killings, child abductions, executions by decapitation and other unspeakable crimes. Tragically, the violence appears only to be spreading, with reports now coming that LRA activity has spread across southern Sudan to Torit, Kajokeji, Lainya, Yei, Yambio, Ibba, Maridi, and Lui.

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