Presiding Bishop preaches in Washington, DC

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori preached at this morning’s Eucharist for the Advocacy to Challenge Domestic Poverty, a three-day gathering of 50 bishops and young adults from eight domestic dioceses of the Episcopal Church (sponsored by the church and Bishops Working for a Just World) in Washington, DC.

The entire sermon can be read in Episcopal News Service, but here’s an excerpt:

Our hope lies in expecting to find God there ahead of us, already at work transforming hearts and minds toward that vision of eternity. I would challenge you to expect to meet the image of God in your visits this day – in people who disagree with you, or seem not to listen. Search for God’s image anyway. Share what you know of the image of God in the poor, in yourself and in your neighbor. You’ve had a remarkable experience of meeting the image of God in this gathering, which has now become a body of friends. Can you share that light with those you meet today?

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