epiScope reports:
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is in the middle of a Pastoral visit to some American troops and Episcopal chaplains in the Washington DC area.
In conjunction with the Episcopal Church Office of Federal Ministries, Bishop Jefferts Schori is visiting Bolling Air Force Base, Walter Reed Army Medical Center and The Pentagon in Arlington. Here is her sermon from Sunday, December 21 at Bolling AFB.
The Rt. Rev. George Packard, bishop for chaplaincies writes more here.
We had hoped to be at least in Kuwait (and maybe even Iraq) with the Presiding Bishop during this Christmas but our travel orders were not approved. As a worthy substitute we will be in Washington, DC visiting Bolling AFB, Walter Reed Hospital, and the Pentagon with Presiding Bishop Schori. So it’s a different kind of Christmas than expected and that’s a theme of note for this Season.