Presiding Bishop’s name appears on ‘powerful women’ list

Appearing on a Fortune list that includes Oprah, Lady GaGa, Ellen DeGeneres, and Michelle Obama, we find the name of The Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, listed as a powerful female voice in the category of religion.

The Washington Post describes the general phenomenon like this:

“Powerful women.”

It’s a phrase that’s threaded its way through the national news quilt this week. Fortune’s Most Powerful Women summit brought to the District 400 women working at the highest echelons of the private and public sector. Meanwhile, a GAO report and new census data revived discussions about the pay gap and the increasing number of female managers. Here is a collage of numbers, voices and rankings that have dotted this week’s leadership dialogue.

Jefferts Schori is quoted:

As a church in a rapidly evolving society, we have to be more nimble. . . . We benefit a great deal in the church from deadlines and benchmarks. When you think in an eternal time frame, the church is not good at doing that. . . . If we don’t measure things or look at the calendar, we have a tendency to let things slide and say, ‘Tomorrow is soon enough,’ or, ‘Eternity is soon enough.’ It’s not. It’s not. We’ve got work to do in this life.

Last week, we mentioned that Jefferts Schori and Obama would were both slated to speak at The Women’s Conference later this month.

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