Priest calls for penance for presidential vote

The Roman Catholic bishops of the US have come out pretty clearly against supporting any candidate they deem to be “pro-choice”. The problem has been though that many Roman Catholic voters have ignored that advice. Now a priest is suggesting a way for wayward RC’s to repair the damage to their souls for voting for Obama last week.

“The Rev. Jay Scott Newman told The Greenville News on Wednesday that church teaching doesn’t allow him to refuse Holy Communion to anyone based on political choices, but that he’ll continue to deliver the church’s strong teaching on the ‘intrinsic and grave evil of abortion’ as a hidden form of murder.

Both Obama and Joe Biden, the vice president-elect, support legal abortions. Obama has called it a ‘divisive issue’ with a ‘moral dimension,’ and has pledged to make women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a ‘priority’ as president. He opposes a constitutional amendment overturning the Supreme Court decision.

At issue for the church locally and nationwide are exit polls showing 54 percent of self-described Catholics voted for Obama, as well as a growing rift in the lifestyle and voting patterns between practicing and non-practicing Catholics.”

Read the full in the Greensville News here.

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