Province cancels meeting, gives money to mission

The Province of Canada of the Anglican Church of Canada, L’ Église Anglicane du Canada, reports on a new strategy passed by their 2010 Council meeting.

Cavendish, Prince Edward Island—What is the mission and purpose of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada, and how does it fit in with God’s mission? Those are questions representatives of the seven dioceses which make up the ecclesiastical province spent much time reflecting on during a meeting of its Provincial Council, held September 23-26.

Among the decisions coming out of those reflections was a unanimous decision to cancel next year’s usual meeting of the Provincial Council and instead dedicate the $40,000 budgeted for it to the organization of an event “that will further God’s mission.” A consensus emerged around the holding of an event for youth and young clergy from across the ecclesiastical province in 2011, the planning for which is already underway.

Press release below – received by email:

Province cancels meeting, gives money to mission

Ecclesiastical Province of Canada

September 27, 2010–Cavendish, Prince Edward Island—What is the mission and purpose of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada, and how does it fit in with God’s mission? Those are questions representatives of the seven dioceses which make up the ecclesiastical province spent much time reflecting on during a meeting of its Provincial Council, held September 23-26.

Among the decisions coming out of those reflections was a unanimous decision to cancel next year’s usual meeting of the Provincial Council and instead dedicate the $40,000 budgeted for it to the organization of an event “that will further God’s mission.” A consensus emerged around the holding of an event for youth and young clergy from across the ecclesiastical province in 2011, the planning for which is already underway.

Changes to the structure of the Provincial Synod and Provincial Council were also unanimously recommended, including a reduction in the size of membership and in frequency of meetings of the two bodies. The discussions reflect the ecclesiastical

province taking seriously General Synod’s invitation earlier this year to ask “whether

and how the diocesan, provincial and national structures need to be modified to support and enhance mission.”

“I sensed a spirit of renewal for Provincial Council and Synod,” said Archbishop Claude Miller, metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada, at the conclusion of the three-day gathering. “One Bishop’s remarks as he left the meeting seem appropriate. He said, ‘I believe our Provincial Council is on the right track.’ I sense a new day in dawning in our corporate life.”

The discussions around the ecclesiastical province’s mission were guided by Dr. Ellie Johnson, the retired director of Partnerships for the General Synod, who used the Anglican Communion’s Five Marks of Mission as a focus.

Members of the Provincial Council also discussed enhancing “safe churches” policy to better protect children and vulnerable adults in the dioceses of the province. They also participated in a discussion on interfaith dialogue initiatives in the province.

A letter of support was also sent from the Provincial Council to the people of Newfoundland recovering in the wake of hurricane Igor. Some Newfoundland members of the Provincial Council were unable to attend the meeting because of the serious damage caused by the storm. It was also unanimously agreed that the province make a contribution to the discretionary funds of the bishops of Central Newfoundland and Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, the two dioceses most directly affected by the hurricane.

The Provincial Council’s 31 members represent the seven Anglican dioceses which make up the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada: Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Fredericton, Montreal, Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, Central Newfoundland, and Western Newfoundland.

The 30 dioceses of the Anglican Church of Canada are grouped into four ecclesiastical provinces: British Columbia and Yukon, Rupert’s Land, Ontario, and Canada.

More information about the Provincial Council meeting, including daily summaries of each day’s proceedings, can be found at the ecclesiastical province’s website.

For more information, contact:

Archdeacon Bruce Myers

Deputy Prolocutor & Communications Officer

Ecclesiastical Province of Canada

(418) 527-314

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