Pub based evangelism

It’s becoming increasingly common of late to hear of Episcopal clergy going out of their parishes to local pubs and bars as a way of connecting with people with questions about God. Often the event will start by posing a provocative question and then letting discussion flow organically from that. Today’s news brings a report of just such an event in Walnut Creek CA that’s notable because it included the diocesan bishop as one of the clergy:

“The ale flowed as Episcopal clerics, including the bishop, went to a downtown pub recently to talk faith with 20- and 30-somethings.

Churchgoers on a mission to sober up sinners? Not at all. ‘Faith on Tap’ is about bringing together young adults hungry for community, rousing discussion and a meaningful life. It’s spreading across the country faster than a moonshine delivery.

In the Pyramid Brewery’s Diablo Room, Bishop Marc Andrus, the Rev. Phil Brochard, and parishioners from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Walnut Creek, and more than 20 others gathered around tables laden with glasses and pitchers.

The topic amid the cacophony spilling in from the adjacent main room: ‘Is there a God pill?’ It was the second installment in a three-part series called ‘Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll.'”

Read the rest here.

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