Quincy prepares to leave

The Diocese of Quincy is moving forward with their own secession votes when they meet in Synod (Convention) in November. Problem is the second reading of their canonical changes to be presented in 2008 don’t match the first readings that passed in 2007.

Some examples include:

Resolution 2007-RM-1, a resolution seeking to annul the accession to the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church, was not presented, read or voted upon, at the 2007 Synod.

Resolution 2007-CC-1, which seeks to amend Article II of Diocesan constitution to change Provincial affiliation, was called for and passed in 2007, but the text of the 2008 resolution is not in the form.

Resolution 2007-CC-2 which would change the Diocesan constitution and canons so as no longer refer to those of the Episcopal Church, was also not presented to the 2007 Synod since Resolution 2007-RM-1 was not presented.

Please also find attached a copy of an Advisory Resolution adopted by St. Paul’s Chapter on September 17, 2008. The Chapter is clearly not in favor of any realignment.

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