Reflections on Baltimore, my hometown

The Union of Black Episcopalians has posted “Reflections on Baltimore, my hometown” by the Rev. Dr. Canon Sandye Wilson. An excerpt:

People are sick and tired of being sick and tired, as this war on Black men in our society continues. People are tired of having their appeals for attention to injustice ignored, of blatant disregard of their legitimate concerns. People are tired of the continuous escalating expression of racism all around them.


We pray for the lives lost, businesses destroyed and dreams deferred. We pray for all who live in fear. We give thanks for the leadership of Baltimore City, for those with enough moral courage to speak truth to power, for law enforcement officials who did show restraint. We are grateful for the men of the community, the ministers and the members of the Nation of Islam who stood together to help bring order to the neighborhoods.

We give thanks for allies and all who care about the city where I was born and ALL of its citizens.

May the God of peace help us to find peace again. There will be no peace in the world until there is peace in the nation; no peace in the nation until there is peace in the community; no peace in the community until there is peace in the family and no peace in the family until there is peace within each of us.

Read it all. You can follow UBE on Facebook.

Posted by John B. Chilton

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