Trinity Wall Street and St. Paul’s Chapel in New York City will mark the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon this Sunday with worship services all day, the ringing of bells, prayer, music and compline.
From Tribeca Online:
St. Paul’s Chapel, part of the Episcopal parish of Trinity Church Wall Street, served as a relief mission for recovery workers at Ground Zero for nearly a year after the buildings fell.
Precisely at 8:46 am, the time when the first plane crashed into 1 WTC (North Tower), the Rev. Dr. William Lupfer, rector, will ring the Bell of Hope in St. Paul’s churchyard in a pattern of “four fives,” (five strikes, repeated four times), the traditional firefighters’ salute to the fallen. The bell, a gift from London to New York City a year after the attacks, is rung on 9/11 anniversaries and to remember victims of terrorism.
Prayer ribbons will be distributed to the public throughout the day at St. Paul’s Chapel.
The schedule of events can be found on Trinity Wall Street’s website.
Is your parish or diocese marking this anniversary?
Photo from Trinity Wall Street’s website.