Ringing The Bell of Hope for Norway

The “Bell of Hope” at New York City’s historic St. Paul’s Chapel (Episcopal) has tolled in remembrance of Norway’s massacre victims. Norwegian Consul Aslaug Nygard (OW’-slahg NEE’-gohr) attended the ceremony Wednesday in Lower Manhattan.


NEW YORK – The “Bell of Hope” at New York City’s historic St. Paul’s Chapel has tolled in remembrance of Norway’s massacre victims.

Norwegian Consul Aslaug Nygard (OW’-slahg NEE’-gohr) attended the ceremony Wednesday in Lower Manhattan.

The bell was a gift to New York from the city of London a year after 9/11.

It has been rung after the bombings in London, Madrid, Mumbai and Moscow; for the Virginia Tech massacre victims; and on 9/11 anniversaries.

St. Paul’s Chapel served a half-million hot meals to workers during the World Trade Center recovery operation.

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