Same-sex spouses need not apply (UPDATED)

UPDATE: The Lambeth Conference webpage quoted below, in the original, has been updated to remove the parenthetical statement “excluding same-sex spouses*” and removing the *footnote linking the ACO statement on the policy of excluding same-sex spouses. The policy still stands.

And, there is this, from Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool:

=============Our original post below==============

God’s Church for God’s World

Welcome to the official website of the Lambeth Conference 2020. The Conference is taking place in July and August 2020 in Canterbury, UK, under the theme “God’s Church for God’s World: walking, listening and witnessing together”.


The Lambeth Conference is a hugely significant event in the life of the Anglican Church. It brings together all active bishops and their spouses from across the worldwide Anglican Communion – that’s more than 165 countries. The aim is to seek God’s direction for the future of the Anglican/Episcopalian Church for the decades ahead.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is sending personal invitations to every eligible bishop and spouse (excluding same-sex spouses*) and is looking forward immensely to hosting them.

“It’s my prayer that, inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Lambeth Conference will reinvigorate the Communion with the vision and resources to bring the transforming love of Jesus Christ to every level of society across the world”, he said.

“It will be a time of addressing hurts and concerns; of deepening existing relationships and building new ones; of grappling with issues that face the Church and the world. We will listen to each other; we will seek God’s wisdom to find ways to walk together; we will build each other up as leaders.”

On this website, you will find details about who’s invited; how to book and pay; the venue, how the programme is being put together and a range of other information.

Please note that the site will be updated as preparations continue – so be sure to check the pages frequently.

(*For further details, please click here.)

Pictured: Archbishop Justin Welby and his wife Caroline on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral. (From Lambeth Conference 2020 homepage)

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