The Long Beach Press-Telegram reports:
The sanctuary movement has come to Long Beach. California.
On Friday, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church announced it had begun sheltering Liliana, an undocumented woman facing a deportation order, as well as Pablo, her three-month-old boy.
Liliana’s last name is being withheld. She is married to a U.S. citizen and is the mother of three children, all of whom are citizens, but she is ineligible for citizenship herself.
Liliana’s family is the third in Los Angeles County to seek sanctuary and is one of about 13 families nationally who have, or soon will, go public with their requests for shelter.
St. Luke’s is part of a faith-based effort calling itself the New Sanctuary Movement. It is a national coalition of congregations and religious organizations that promises “to protect immigrant workers and families from unjust deportation” by offering shelter and aid.
Read it all.
It would be interesting to know what some of the high-profile allies of the so-called Global South Primates think about offering sanctuary to people from the global south.