Saturday 6/27 at General Convention

Besides the election of the new Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, Deputies and Bishops continued their legislative business. There was controversy in the House of Deputies over the funding of the College of Bishops. The House voted 1.2 million dollars for anti-racism programs but Program Budget and Finance has the key to whether that gets in the final budget. PB&F reports that funding requests exceed $120 million in the original budget passed by Executive Council. Lots of discussion about whether to ask those in ordination process about addiction issues. Apart from some issues with holding a charge or with the chargers – people seem to be doing well with the Virtual Binders. Sorry to report there is no “clicking” to be heard!!

From Episcopal News Service:

On the budget:

Members of The Episcopal Church’s Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance (PB&F) heard a strong call June 26 for reducing the amount of money it asks from dioceses and regional mission areas, knowing that they face an approximately $12 million gap between the funding already included in Executive Council’s draft 2016-2018 triennium budget and additional funding resolutions that have come to convention.

Council’s balanced $120 million budget was passed in January after the church’s committees, commissions, agencies and boards filed their reports to convention containing funding resolutions. Some of those requests have been amended here at convention. Plus, many new resolutions filed since council passed its budget also ask for money to be included in the 2016-2018 budget. They are the ones that account for the $12 million gap.

The Media Hub has live coverage of Worship, House of Deputies, and House of Bishops when they are in session and Press Conferences and features can be seen as well.

An archive of the broadcasts can be found here.


posted by Ann Fontaine


Image by Episcopal News Service

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