Saturday Collection 10/31/09

Here is our weekly look at just some of the good stuff going on in The Episcopal Church:

Remembering Horace Boyer:

On Sunday, November 1, 2009, 4PM, Cathedral Church of St. Luke, 130 Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, FL, the Liturgy & Music Commission of the Diocese of Central Florida in conjunction with the Union of Black Episcopalians is holding a special tribute service honoring gospel music giant and historian Horace Clarence Boyer (1935-2009). Central Florida Diocesan Choir will sing music composed, arranged and performed by Boyer, a Winter Park native son.

At St. Batholomew’s Episcopal Church in San Diego (or, more precisely, Poway) they’re making a difference for job seekers helping them making connections. They pass it on. Check out St.Bart’s website dedicated to the ministry, InlandNet.

It’s not without pain and grief, but a merger of two congregation done well counts as good stuff. This past Sunday was the last service at Christ Episcopal Church in Belleville, NJ. The congregation is being welcomed into the congregation of St. Peter’s in Clifton. Read the story here.

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