Saturday collection 6/27/09

Here is our weekly collection plate, offering some of the good things that Episcopalians and their congregations have done that made the news this past week. And other news fit to print.

Bikes for Africa

A truckload of bikes is on its way to Africa, thanks to a small Central Virginia church. Parishioners from Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church in Simeon collected more than 100 used bicycles to send to Ghana.


Providing funerals for all

The Rev. Claudia Windal [of St. James on the Parkway Episcopal Church,] Minneapolis believes everyone, regardless of ability to pay, deserves a dignified burial. So the Episcopal priest became a mortician to help make it happen. Since she opened the nonprofit Oyate Tawicohan Funeral Services about two years ago, Windal estimates that she has provided low-cost burials to about 223 people; about 90 percent were Native American. But the no-frills, shoestring-budget burials are available to anyone who can’t afford standard funeral fees.


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