Scapegoats of the world unite!

The Rev. Luis Rodriguez writes in today’s Times of London:

“But still the mechanism of scapegoating dies hard, and it is so tempting to blame in the hope of finding the Anglican holy grail of unity. That’s how scapegoating works: it demands the demonisation of the other as the price of social cohesion. But were the Episcopal Church to do as some demand; to condemn homosexuality, depose Gene Robinson and do penance for its “transgressions”, would that stem the divide? Were it excluded from the Anglican Communion, would unity be achieved?

Scapegoating never solves the real causes of crises. It only delays their honest confrontation, and if we are honest this is a crisis that the Anglican Communion has been sidestepping for years. What we need now more than unity is honesty.”

Read it all.

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