The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) has been tasked by General Convention with creating resources to be submitted to General Convention for approval for trial use for same-gender blessings in the church. They’ve been collecting resources, studying them and are now asking us for feedback on where they are in the work.
“The SCLM’s report to General Convention includes a significant section on theology: Faith, Hope, and Love: Theological Resources for the Blessing of Same-Gender Relationships. Look at this text of a section from the Report regarding Covenantal Relationship:
Reflecting theologically on same-gender relationships can become an occasion for the Church to reflect more broadly on the significance of covenantal commitment in the life of faith. Both Scripture and our theological traditions invite us to consider, first, the sacramental character of covenantal relationships; by this we mean the potential of such relationships to become outward and visible signs of God‘s grace. And second, covenantal relationships can both reflect and inspire the eschatological vision of Christian life. The covenantal commitments we make with each other, in other words, can evoke our desire for union with God, which is our final hope in Christ.
Do these words resonate with you? Let us know.”
More here. Go over, take a look and send them a note if you’ve got the time.