Seabury, Bexley explore partnership

Seabury Western Seminary awarded grant from the Luce Foundation to work in collaboration with Bexley Hall:


Luce Foundation awards $40,000 for collaboration exploration

From Seabury Western Press Release

Seabury Western Seminary has received a $40,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation’s theology program to support the development of a strategic alliance with Bexley Hall Seminary, Seabury’s interim President Robert Bottoms announced today.

This is a welcome endorsement of our efforts to deliver theological education that prepares church leaders for service in our multicultural world, Bottoms said.

Since 2007, Seabury Western and Bexley Hall have been exploring a collaboration that would strengthen and expand the reach of their educational offerings while increasing the efficiency of their operations. Bexley Hall, in Columbus, Ohio, offers a residential Masters of Divinity program in partnership with Trinity Lutheran Seminary, while Seabury, in Evanston, Illinois, offers two Doctor of Ministry programs, a certificate in Anglican Studies and several enrichment programs. Together the schools have established a Partnership for Lifelong Learning.

In May the boards of trustees of both institutions approved steps that may lead to joint advancement, development and fundraising activities; unified communications, marketing and recruitment efforts; a unified financial services office and models for common governance.

Together we have the expertise, the flexibility and the creativity to offer the full continuum of theological education to a rapidly changing church, said Robert Reber, Bexley Hall’s president pro tem. We are grateful for the Luce Foundation’s confidence in us.

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